Friday, July 29, 2011

Is that hairstyle right for me?

Have you ever seen a hairstyle on someone and thought to yourself, I want that hairstyle?  Before running to the closest salon or phoning your stylist, ask yourself the following questions:
          1.  Will this hairstyle fit into my lifestyle?  For instance, If you go to the gym and work out 3 times a  week, you don't want something like spiral curls or a style that will easily fall if you sweat.
          2.  Will I be able to maintain this hairstyle once I leave the salon?
          3.  Is my head shaped similar to the person wearing the hairstyle?
          4.  Is my hairline similar to person wearing the hairstyle?
          5.  Is my hair texture similar to the person wearing the hairstyle?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, chances are the hairstyle will be a good match for you.  Remember, something as simple as different hair textures or head shape can make a huge difference in how a hairstyle will look on you.

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